The scar from a c-section procedure can be minimized. With the right care, your stomach can be flat, with only a feint white mark through which the miracle of your baby's life began.
"I have always taken a keen interest in my health, well being and appearance. I would say I am an active consumer and participant in the beauty industry, always seeking the next best eye cream or the latest dermal procedure to try. So it occurred to us what a women’s body’s recovered and looked like after indeed their caesarean delivery, was hugely important to address given the void there currently is for this kind of surgery."
In total contrast to my birth plan, my first born arrived following a very lengthy labour and eventually an emergency caesarean. I can specifically recall when leaving the hospital being told to 'make sure you get lots of rest..... the more rest you can get the better your body will heal.' .........As we all know this is not something that new mothers have the luxury of. Far from it, if truth be told. The first months after the birth are a tiring whirlwind of laughter, tears, and most poignantly...sleep deprivation. Time afforded to your own recovery as a mother is scarce.
I have of course known lots of women who had been through a similar experience to me, however, until my own experience I was completely ignorant as to what the impact and outcome of a C-section birth would or could be. More importantly perhaps, was how unprepared emotionally I was for feeling so conscious, not just my post baby body, but of the red angry looking C Section incision and the unsightly paunch of skin over it. Feeling low and vulnerable as a new mum; with hormones flying round uncontrollably. I guess I had not appreciated how much having a caesarean was going to affect not only how my body would look but the impact it would have on my mental well being. Of course I was elated at the fact I had my beautiful new baby, but in addition to this I felt like my confidence was dipping, and I was losing who I well as the body that I knew so well...
Don't mistake me, I have never been someone to have a washboard stomach. I always made an effort to keep my body active and in shape, and my stomach as flat(ish) as I could. Yet as the weeks passed after my section I was extremely upset when I first noticed that I had started to develop an unsightly pouch that sat directly above the incision scar. Reflecting back to the time when my stitches were healed and I was signed off by my appointed midwife, you are given no further instructions regarding the ongoing aftercare for your incision or the surrounding area of skin. So, as advised, I did nothing. I left my scar completely unattended. With hindsight it’s not really very surprising that in doing so, both the scar itself, and the newly formed pouch gradually started to look worse and worse. As the months passed and I managed to resume exercise and therefore get closer to my prepartum weight, the stubborn pocket of fat that had collected above the incision was undoubtedly more prominent and despite my best efforts to focus my attention to target it through focused training, it was not responsive to anything. My body confidence was on the floor.
When I fell pregnant again I was of course delighted, but I was also scared about the prospect of needing another Cesarean. Having been totally unprepared for my emergency surgery the first time I was adamant I would play a more proactive role in helping my body recover this second time round.
I have only ever had two surgeries performed on me in my lifetime. One an elected cosmetic procedure and the other an emergency C-Section. When I had time to reconsider and reflect, I recalled the aftercare and advice I was provided following my cosmetic procedure in my twenties, and started to devise a recovery plan for myself that I could adhere to after my second elected section that I had scheduled for my second labour.
Through time spent preparing for my recovery plan it dawned on me the main difference between these two kinds of surgeries . Cosmetic surgery is obviously focused on achieving the best aesthetic outcome possible, ensuring scars are minimal, small and neat with the goal over time of getting them as 'close to invisible' as possible. The Surgery itself is calm, controlled and both the patient and team are prepared in advance. The role of an obstetric team is the total opposite, they are of course entirely focused on the safe delivery of the baby and the wellbeing of the mum during birth. The NHS care I received (for both deliveries) was outstanding, but their remit, role and area of expertise is not focused on the long term aesthetic outcomes of a C section – and nor should it be!
Having been fortunate enough to have been expertly educated on the subject of minimising scar tissue by my wonderful Cosmetic Surgeon, the Late Martin Kelly, I recalled what he’d taught me about adopting and consistently applying certain products and ingredients that help to give scars the optimal chance of achieving almost invisible healing. And so after the birth of my second baby I repeated this regime. I reinvested in the products I used and made sure whenever possible that I dedicated time to allow myself to follow 3 simple steps.
Being proactive and taking control of my recovery, the second time around was a hugely positive experience for me. I saw phenomenal benefits and the results for me have been so impactful that I can genuinely once again be confident in the way my body has healed. The difference I have seen between doing nothing after a C Section and following my 3 Step 'C Section Correction' process has helped me feel (and look) like the real me again.